Soba choko cup tokusa cream 200ml
  • Soba choko cup tokusa cream 200ml
  • Soba choko cup tokusa cream 200ml
  • Soba choko cup tokusa cream 200ml
  • Soba choko cup tokusa cream 200ml
  • Soba choko cup tokusa cream 200ml
  • Soba choko cup sakura indigo 200ml

    • Kintoen
    • C275
    30.00 zł w tym VAT

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    Soba choko cup sakura indigo 200ml

    A cup called "soba choko" made of Japanese ceramics. Soba choko traditionally is a cup for eating soba noodles, but nowadays is commonly used as a teacup. Great for tea, coffee, ice-cream. Traditional pattern - sakura - cherry blossom flowers in navy blue color.


    • Japanese ceramics from Gifu prefecture - minoyaki
    • good for tea, coffee or ice-cream
    • modern character
    • navy blue sakura pattern
    • dishwasher save


    • Diameter 8cm
    • Height 7cm
    • Capacity (to the upper edge) 200ml


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