Sazanami violet tumbler 250ml
  • Sazanami violet tumbler 250ml
  • Sazanami violet tumbler 250ml
  • Sazanami violet tumbler 250ml
  • Sazanami violet tumbler 250ml
  • Sazanami violet tumbler 250ml
  • Sazanami violet tumbler 250ml

    • Shutoen
    • K159
    87.00 zł w tym VAT

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    Sazanami violet tumbler 250ml

    An elegant tumbler for tea, coffee or cold drinks, handmade in Hagi town. Violet and white glaze with small waves - sazanami. Characteristic for hagiyaki pottery crackles on the glaze. Very handy and beautiful - to enjoy your everyday tea or coffee even more. 


    • famous Japanese pottery from Hagi - hagiyaki
    • for tea, coffe, herbs or other beverages
    • pastel colours - violet and white
    • characteristic cracles - will become more visible the longer you use the mug


    • Diameter 8cm
    • Height 10cm
    • Capacity (to the upper edge) 250ml


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