Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml
  • Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml
  • Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml
  • Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml
  • Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml
  • Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml
  • Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml
  • Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml

    • Kumagai
    • I282
    446.00 zł w tym VAT

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    Houhin tepot tawarade 200ml

    A small teapot handmade in Kyoto. Circles graved on the surface remind barrels used for transporting rice in old times (tawara). Nowadays it is a symbol of luck and prosperity. Houhin is a small size tepot used for brewing high quality teas. Great piece of modern art for tea lovers and fans of artistic pottery.


    • famous Japanese pottery form Kyoto - kyoyaki or kiyomizuyaki
    • handmade and hand painted
    • for brewing hogh quality tea
    • lucky symbols of prosperity on the surface (tawara)


    • Diameter 8,5cm
    • Height 6cm
    • Capacity (to the upper edge) 200ml


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