Teacup emerald 300ml
  • Teacup emerald 300ml
  • Teacup emerald 300ml
  • Teacup emerald 300ml
  • Teacup emerald 300ml
  • Teacup emerald 300ml
  • Teacup emerald 300ml
  • Teacup emerald 300ml
  • Teacup sea blue 300ml

    • C309
    130.00 zł w tym VAT

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    Teacup sea blue 300ml

    Original teacup handmade in Ninshu kiln in Kyoto. The kiln is connected with Ninnaji Temple - the world heritage and Japanese national treasure. Pottery artists in Ninshu use traditional techiques but combine them with modern elements such as bright colours of the glaze. The cup has a dynamic, irregular shape and energetic colour of blue glaze with cracles on the surface. The cup is great for serving tea as well as coffee, wine and other drinks. 

    The cup is packed in an elegant paper box decorated with 16 petal chrysantemum - the symbol of imperial palace. Great idea for an elegant and original gift.


    • famous Japanese pottery from Kyoto - kyoyaki or kiyomizuyaki
    • hand made in highly appreciated Ninshu kiln
    • irregular shape
    • bright colour of glaze - sea blue
    • original stamp of the artist
    • for tea, coffee and other drinks
    • gift box


    • Diameter 10cm
    • Height 7,5cm
    • Capacity (to the upper edge) 300ml


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